It starts with a Tree, ends with a Forest!
The idea of the campaign stems from the need of the community of the Muni Gyana Center to become an active part in responding to a common need: a need to act against climate change and support social community projects.
We plan to plant 1500 trees on the Italian territory by 2022 in order to launch a message of sustainability and responsibility. 400 of these trees will be planted in Terra Franca, helping to recreate a green lung on the land confiscated from the mafia, in Cruillas, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Palermo. The other trees will be donated through rewards and planted throughout Italy;
Through the collected donations we are going to recreate the citrus grove that used to exist in Terra Franca and create an educational hub open to citizens, associations and institutions that could be a driving force for sustainable development of the city.
We have relied on donations, because we believe that common goods are the responsibility of all and that each of us can contribute against climate change. By planting a tree, you would help us take care of all sentient beings living on our planet.
It starts with a Tree, ends with a Forest – this is the claim that summarizes the goal of the Green Future project: carrying out a big awareness campaign on the issue of environmental sustainability.
Terra Franca*
The Municipality has entrusted the Human Rights Youth Organization (H.R.Y.O) to work towards its restitution to the local population who have directly or indirectly suffered from the oppression linked to the presence of the Mafia in Palermo. This land is a symbol of reconstruction and hope to the residents.
The main goal of Terra Franca project is to raise awareness about the environmental issues affecting the area and to give the residents a land in which everyone can have access to natural resources such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Terra Franca was abandoned for several years after having suffered of traditional Italian style unauthorized development through houses secretly and illegally built.
Moreover, the land was used as an illegal landfill. Volunteers and residents are working to make the area cleaner and restore it to the community.
We want to encourage the residents to adopt sustainable practices, properly separate their waste and be active. Shared gardens are community center adapted to both young and older residents to share knowledge with each other and reinforce social bonds.
Terra Franca is an opportunity for the community who do not have land access to grow healthy products, preserve this unique food culture and to create a community shared garden for the residents of Cruillas.
With your help, you contribute to the safety of the planet. The tree you plant will absorb an average of 10 – 20 kg of CO2 per year. You will receive a postcard to dedicate it to someone you love and you can register your tree on the website: